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Patients & Visitors

Specialist Treatment for Children & Young People with Fatigue


Contact us

For further information about the service, please contact:

Paediatric Specialist Fatigue Service,
Children's Centre,Department B11
Royal United Hospital Bath,
Combe Park,
Bath, BA1 3NG

How did we do?

If you have recently attended one of our Outpatient clinics, either at the RUH or at one of our outreach locations, we would love to hear from you. Please click on the link below to tell us about your experience.

If you have been an outpatient and would like to complete the FFT question please click here:

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Please tell us how we can improve our website

We are currently developing a new website for the RUH, and we'd appreciate your feedback.

Please take a moment to fill out our survey and help us build a website fit for the future.