Supporting our staff: Preventing violence, aggression and abuse
All members of staff at the RUH should be able to work in a safe and secure environment, free from violence, harassment and discrimination. Some people who receive treatment or visit our premises behave inappropriately, creating an unsafe environment. We know from research that when staff feel safe at work, they deliver the best care possible.
To protect staff from incidents of violence, harassment or discrimination while working at the RUH, we have developed a three-step approach. All staff can issue Verbal Warnings, which can escalate to Written Warnings and/or Restricted Access.
A summary of the 3 steps can be found here:
- In incidents of violence, harassment or discrimination, staff will issue a Verbal Warning to patients or visitors
- For more serious incidents, or if the behaviour continues following a verbal warning, a Written Warning will be issued by hospital managers
- In extreme circumstances, senior managers can issue Restricted Access for patients or visitors
For further information and details about our policy to protect staff from violence, harassment or discrimination from patients and visitors, email or call 01225 825656.
If you are concerned about our services, please contact the Patient Support and Complaints team by emailing
Alternatively, you can call 01225 825656 and leave a message for someone to call you back.