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The RUH spends a vast amount annually on renting dynamic (alternating pressure) mattresses. The MEL holds a stock of Trust owned dynamic mattresses, loaning them out to wards, then collecting them and decontaminating them on site, reducing the need for rental mattresses.

The MEL also manages any rented mattresses, ensuring that they are returned to the company as quickly as possible, saving the hospital money.

A mattress can be requested by phoning 01225 82 6446, or call 01225 42 8331 and ask switchboard to bleep 7755 between 8:00am and 5:00pm. You can also email the Medical Equipment Library.

Out of hours please contact the Porters, who have access to the MEL, or should no mattresses be available the Site Manager, who is authorised to make rentals. Any rental requests made after a certain time of evening will have to be recorded and processed first thing in the morning due to limitations in delivery times.

Please note that wards will be charged charged for the use of Trust owned mattresses at the same rate as rental mattresses, so it is in their interest to ensure that all mattresses are returned as soon as possible.

It is believed that twenty percent of mattresses are used inappropriately. Dynamic mattresses are not labour saving devices to be used instead of foam mattresses and turning patients. Patients are often more comfortable on static mattresses, and it is easier to rehabilitate a patient from a foam mattress, so please think before requesting a mattress.

Should advice be needed on any matters concerning pressure relief and appropriate mattresses please contact the Tissue Viability Nurse, Kate Purser on 01225 82 1112.

User Manuals

Pegasus Trinova

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