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Medical Equipment Library (MEL)

About MEL

Bariatric & Other Equipment

Medical Equipment Committee

Bed Frames

Out of Hours Service


Contact Us



The MEL manages a central pool of infusion pumps and other medical equipment, so that any ward or department needing an item of equipment can make a request by contacting the MEL on 01225 82 6446, bleeping 7755 or emailing the Medical Equipment Library.

This service runs from 8:00am – 5:00pm. Outside these hours please contact the Porters, who have access to the MEL Access Store.

Pumps available from the MEL

Graseby 500 Volumetric Pump
Graseby 500 Volumetric Pump
Alaris Asena Syringe Pump
Alaris Asena Syringe Pump
GRaseby MS16A & MS26 Syringe Drivers
Graseby MS16A & MS26 ambulatory pumps
Nutricia Infinity feed pump
Nutricia Infinity Feed Pumps

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