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Patients & Visitors


Contact Us

Our 4 maternity units at Chippenham, Frome, Paulton and Trowbridge will co-ordinate care for you.

Please click on the link below to register your pregnancy and our administrators will arrange your first midwifery appointment, called the Booking. Ideally this should be before you are 10 weeks’ pregnant so please register when you believe you are after 6 weeks pregnant.

Register for Maternity Care

If you cannot find the information you need on our website and feel you need to speak to us before your first midwife appointment, please call 01225 826454, choose Option 2 and then select the maternity unit closest to you.

RUH Maternity Contact Information

If you are bleeding or in pain during early pregnancy, please call: 6-14 weeks of pregnancy:

Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic (EPAC)

14-18 weeks of pregnancy:

Please contact your GP or attend the Emergency Department if pain or bleeding are severe.

For all other Maternity enquiries, please call our central contact number:

Select the right option for you. These options are given during the call, but the following provides an overview:

  1. Select Option 1 to speak to Maternity Triage about urgent concerns:

    This line is for non-routine care enquiries and will be answered 24 hours/day.

    Choose this option for all new concerns, including pain, bleeding, a change in the pattern of your baby’s movements, waters have broken, labour, worries after birth or feeling unwell.
  2. Select Option 2 if your enquiry relates to any aspect of your planned pregnancy care:

    This line is for all enquiries relating to planned care and appointments, including scans, in any location.

    Choose this option for routine enquiries, including community midwifery appointments, antenatal clinic with consultants, Day Assessment Unit, 12- and 20-week scan appointments.

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