Palliative Care
Other Support & Info
Other Support & Info
Dorothy House Hospice
Dorothy House provides compassionate care and support to people with a life-limiting illness, their families and carers across BaNES and parts of Wiltshire and Somerset. Please visit their website at for further information about services or call 0345 0130 555.
Local support
Some examples of local support are:
The Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre
Royal United Hospital
Tel: 01225 824049
Royal United Hospital
Tel: 01225 824049
The Cancer Information & Support Centre has a drop in the centre where there are:
- a large selection of leaflets, books and videos
- guided access to the internet
- details of local and national support services and organisations
We Hear You - WHY
Tel: 01373 4455255
Free cancer counselling service based in Frome, Somerset, offering face-to-face and telephone counselling
The Harbour
Tel: 0117 925 9348
A Bristol based organisation offering professional counselling for people affected by a life-threatening illness
National Support Organisations
Alzheimer’s Disease
Helpline: 0845 300 0336 Mon – Fri
Heart Disease
Helpline: 0300 330 3311
Lung Diseases
Helpline: 08458 505020
Motor Neurone Disease
Motor Neurone Disease Association
Tel: 08457 626262
Mulitple Sclerosis
Tel: 0808 800 8000
Parkinson’s Disease
Tel: 0808 800 0303Spiritual and cultural support
Spiritual and cultural needs are individual to each person regardless of faith beliefs or cultural background. The hospital staff are always prepared to discuss concerns and provide support. There is a chaplaincy service in the RUH.
Support for bereaved people
Cruse bereavement care
- Offers free support for bereaved people by trained volunteers
- Individual counselling
- Group support

Bath area

Tel: 01761 417250

Bristol area

Tel: 0117 926 4045
An interactive website for children and young people affected by death
The WAY Foundation
Provides support for men and women widowed up to the age of 50.
Tel: 0870 0113450
Compassionate Friends
Support for bereaved parents
Tel: 0845 1232304 (10am – 4pm and 7pm – 10pm in the evening)
National Association of Widows
Tel: 024 766 3484 or head office: 0845 838 2261