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Patients & Visitors

Palliative Care

Financial Advice

This section covers financial issues:

Will I have to pay for care?

You do not have to pay for District Nursing or any specialist palliative care services including hospice care. There is sometimes a charge for health and social care organised by local councils depending on savings that a person has. Information is available from your local council.

There are some non-means tested benefits to which people with a life threatening illness may be entitled. These include:

  • Disability Living Allowance – for people under 65 years
  • Attendance Allowance – for people over 65 years
  • New Personal Independence Payment –

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What is Continuing Health Care?

NHS funded continuing healthcare (CHC) and NHS funded nursing care is a complete package of care arranged and solely funded by the NHS, rather than privately paid for, or funded by social services. The funding is available when someone has complex health needs requiring ongoing support. It can be provided in any setting - at home, in a nursing or residential home, or in hospital.

CHC Fast Track is a fast track process for funding approval for patients with a life limiting condition, who are rapidly deteriorating and who have care needs.

For further information about the NHS Continuing Healthcare :-

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Where can I get financial advice?

Citizens Advice Bureau:

For advice online:

Local bureaux:

Macmillan Cancer Information & Support Centre, RUH:
Benefits Advisor
Tel: 01225 824049, or drop in to the centre

Macmillan Cancer Support:
Freephone: 0800 500 800

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