Health in pregnancy
Having twins (BSW)
Rhesus Negative blood group Information
Things to consider (BSW)
Problems in pregnancy: Pre-eclampsia blood test
Problems in pregnancy: Pre-eclampsia (BSW)
Problems in pregnancy: Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) (BSW)
Problems in pregnancy: Intravenous iron therapy
Pelvic Health
Breath and pelvic floor strengthening
Pelvic Floor Exercises (audio session and written information)
Pelvic Floor Exercises (leaflet)
Pelvic girdle pain and pregnancy-related conditions
Third & fourth degree tears during childbirth
Labour (BSW)
Breech presentation and birth (BSW)
Caesarean birth (BSW)
Birth options after Caeserean (BSW)
PICO dressings and wound care after Caesarean birth
Induction of Labour (BSW)
Waters breaking (rupture of membranes) (BSW)
Feeding your baby
Antenatal hand expressing (ABM)
Effects of giving formula to a breastfed baby
When breastfeeding is getting off to a slow start
When breastfed babies lose more weight than average
Diabetes (BSW)
Looking After Your Baby's Health
Your baby
Supporting your child's health and wellbeing