Emotional Wellbeing
Emotional Wellbeing

Perinatal Mental Health Services
We recognise that whilst being pregnant is often a very exciting time, for some pregnant women and people however this brings about feelings of anxiety or low mood. Around 1 in 5 pregnant women and people will have mental health problems in pregnancy. If you have a pre-existing mental health illness, speak to your Midwife about the specialist support available to you.
pregnant women and people who require additional support throughout their pregnancy may be looked after by the Lotus team of Midwives who have additional knowledge and skills. You may also be referred to the Obstetric antenatal clinic by your Community Midwife. At this appointment you will see a Doctor and a Specialist Mental Health Midwife to discuss how we can support you throughout your pregnancy and after birth. Your GP or Midwife may also refer you to a Specialist Community Perinatal Mental Health Service.
Details of local support can be found below. You can self-refer to all of these services however if you or anyone else has any urgent concerns about your mental health; please contact your local mental health service (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week):
Bath and North East Somerset
01225 371480 (9am - 5pm)
01225 362184 (5pm - 8am)
01380 737840 (9am - 5pm)
01380 731292 (5pm - 8am)
North Wiltshire
0300 1245016 (24/7)
Coping with a crying baby
During this challenging time stress levels at home may be increased and it is important to find ways to cope with a crying baby. Infant crying is normal, and it will stop! Babies start to cry more frequently from around 2 weeks of age. After about 8 weeks of ages babies start to cry less each week. It's okay to walk away if you have checked if baby is safe and the crying is getting to you.
Never, ever shake or hurt your baby - it can cause lasting brain damage or death
Follow the ICON guidance for coping with crying:

C - Comforting methods can help
O - It's OK to walk away
N - Never, ever shake your baby
Useful links for further information:
Support for Dads
DadPad is a guide for new dads, developed with the NHS. This resource supports Dads and their partners to give your baby the best possible start in life. The DadPad supports dads to get involved and gain confidence which can help reduce anxiety.
You can find out more here and download the DadPad app:
Local services
Tommy's wellbeing resources for pregnancy and post birth:
Mind resources - pregnancy and post birth: