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About Us

Management Structure

Managing Conflicts of Interest

As an organisation and as individuals, we have a duty to ensure that our dealings are conducted to the highest standards of integrity so that NHS monies are used wisely and our finite resources are allocated in the best interests of patients.

All staff are required to declare any interests which could conflict with their day to day work, and declarations of 'decision making' staff are published for public scrutiny. Interests can include additional paid work or employment, ownership or shares in business, private clinical practice and personal or family loyalties to third party organisations.

All staff are also required to make declarations of gifts and hospitality for anything estimated to be over the value of £25 including gifts from patients or relatives, meals and refreshments and travel and accommodation. A copy of this register can be requested by emailing the address at the bottom of the page.

A policy has been developed to help employees to effectively manage conflicts of interest in line with guidance from NHS England.

Click on the icons below to view the latest register of interests and the Executive Director's, Chair's and Non-Executive Director's interests:

RUH Register of

Executive Director

Chair and Non-Executive Director Interests

If you have any questions please contact

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