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Patients & Visitors

Paediatric Department

Patient Information

We hope you find this information helpful. All these leaflets are intended to be used together with specific advice from a health professional so please seek medical advice if you have any further questions or if you are concerned.

Advice for parents of children assessed at the RUH

Pre-operative information for children and families during the COVID-19 pandemic

Allergy advice for families with young children

Allergy Advice - Adults and Young people

Allergy Advice - Arachis oil (peanut oil) in medications including vitamins

Allergy Information: Antihistamine

Diet and eczema

Egg Allergy in Children

Eggs - Re-introduction into your child's diet

Immunisation of Egg-Allergic Children

Milk Allergy Diagnosis for Babies Factsheet

Milk Free Diet Factsheet

Milk Re-introduction Factsheet

Paediatric Allergy Clinic

Urticaria and Angioedema

General Allergy Advice

Waiting List Advice - Egg Allergy

Waiting List Advice - Milk Allergy

Waiting List Advice - Peanut and Tree Nut Allergy

Anaesthetics & Surgery

Pre-Op information leaflet (Children)

Parent Pager System

Will I have a sore throat after my tonsillectomy

Your child's general anaesthetic
Royal College of Anaesthetists leaflet

Analgesia (Pain-relief)

Pain Relief (Children)

Community Parent - Newborn Infant Physical Exam (NIPE)

Heart murmurs in babies

Prolonged jaundice in babies

Supporting your Child's Health and Wellbeing

Umbilical Granuloma

Unstable hips in babies

Administration of proton pump inhibitor medication for infants and children

Coeliac: Vaccines for people with coeliac disease

Coeliac disease, family testing for

Gastroenteritis in children

Feverish child, going home with - advice

Febrile convulsions

First Fit - Information and advice for families

Head injury advice after discharge

Gluten-free diets

Iron in childrens diets

Lactose-free diets

Milk Free Diet factsheet

Paediatric Oncology - A Guide for Patients and Parents

Irritable Hip in children

How to swallow tablets

Sweat test

Vulvovaginitis in young girls

Henoch-Schönlein purpura

MCUG scans in children

Asthma in children and Young people

Asthma Treatment Plan - Children

Asthma Treatment Plan - Young People (MART)

Asthma Treatment Plan - Young People (MART)


Croup in young children

House dust mite sensitivity

Peak flow meter for paediatric patients

Preschool Wheeze

Diet and eczema

Eczema in children


Urticaria and Angioedema


The neonatal unit provides care for premature and sick term newborn babies.  Approximately 10% of all babies will need admission to a neonatal unit, commonly because of prematurity, infection, breathing difficulties or feeding problems.

The unit works as part of a wider network, with the main intensive care being delivered in Bristol if your baby is extremely preterm or needing surgery, along with some sick term babies requiring further intervention. Once these babies are stable they will complete their care in this local neonatal unit.

The unit has 21 cots, and we have facilities for parents including 4 double en suite bedrooms, a breast milk expressing room, a parents coffee room, quiet room, a play area for siblings and a garden.

Click here to read a summary about our Neonatal Unit and its services.

Parent and Carer Information

Neonatal Unit Parent Questionnaire

Please tell us about your recent experience of the Neonatal Unit. Your feedback is important to us and will help us to continue to improve family experience. You can complete the NICU parent questionnaire here:

Mental Health & Sleep

RUH leaflets

Resources for Mental Health and Wellbeing

School Resources

Links to the Childrens' Sleep Charity documents


Bedroom Routines

Sleep Diet

Teens Sleep Poster

Other documents

Information facts about sleep

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