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Patients & Visitors

Children's Therapies


What our service provides

The Children's Therapies team provides a service for babies, children and young people as inpatients or outpatients at the RUH or in community settings. Children are seen as outpatients who meet the referral criteria and who are registered with a BANES GP, unless they are part of a Consultant led service eg. NICU follow up, structural talipes or hip dysplasia.

Therapists also assess and treat babies and children who have been admitted to the children's ward and neonatal unit at the RUH, as well as being involved in many of the multidisciplinary hospital based clinics.

Children's Therapies Referral Criteria

BANES Children's Therapies Local Offer for SEND

Where do we see children?

We see children at the Children's Centre based at the RUH, which includes the Children's Ward. Babies are also seen on the post-natal ward and NICU. We also assess, review and provide specific intervention for children and young people in a variety of community based settings.

Our purpose built facilities includes child-friendly reception, child-friendly treatment spaces, specialist rooms and equipment eg. sensory room, soft play room, plaster room. We have changing and accessible toilet facilities available, it is completely wheelchair accessible and hoists are available if required.

The team also assess, review and provide specific intervention for children and young people in early year's settings, mainstream and special schools.

Our integrated children's therapies team will work together with you to reduce the number of appointments whenever possible if your child is being seen by more than one of our team.

Pictures of the Children's Department waiting room and soft play area

The Children's Therapy gym

The Children's Therapies outside space

The Children's Therapies soft play area

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