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Patients & Visitors

Family Liaison Facilitators

About us

Portrait of the three Family Liaison Facilitators wearing their yellow tunics

We are the Family Liaison Facilitator service - a small team working in the hospital to support patients, their families, friends and our staff.

Our main role is to ensure that relatives are kept updated on their loved ones during their stay in hospital, by providing non-clinical phone-calls. We want to support the emotional wellbeing of patients and their families/carers.

We aim to improve the patient's hospital stay by listening to what can make the experience better and providing it. We work closely with multiple teams and networks across the RUH to be able to do this. The service is currently running during the day, Monday to Friday.

If you have any questions about what we can help with please do not hesitate to contact us.

Family Liaison Facilitator team
PALS Office
Royal United Hospital
Combe Park
Bath, BA1 3NG

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