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About Us

Register of interests:

Register of interest of Board members can be found in the Annual Report.

Areas of business within the Trust are overseen and directed through the organisation's committees. These include:

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Remuneration Committee

This committee is responsible for the determination of the pay and other terms and conditions of service for Executive Directors.

Executive Directors are not present when their personal remuneration is considered.

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Charities Committee

This committee is responsible for the investment of charitable funds.

It ensures that all funds are spent on the purpose for which they were donated.

The committee reviews the activities of the charitable funds and ensures that expenditure is in accordance with the requirements of the Charity Commission.

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Management Board

The Management Board is the lead Executive Committee of the Trust managing the delivery of the operational and strategic performance within the Trust.

The Management Board develops strategic thinking in partnership with the Trust Board.

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Non Clinical Governance Committee (An Assurance Committee)

The Non Clinical Governance Committee is responsible for the risk assurance around the areas of health and safety, environment, facilities and medical equipment as well as information governance and workforce matters.

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Audit Committee (An Assurance Committee)

The Audit Committee is responsible for financial scrutiny of internal financial controls such as the safeguarding of assets, the maintenance of proper accounting records and the reliability of financial information.

Its role has broadened over recent years to conclude on the adequacy and effectiveness of the Trust's overall internal control system.

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Clinical Governance Committee (An Assurance Committee)

The Clinical Governance Committee sets the overall direction for patient safety and experience and its governance within the Trust and agrees the programme of work with the Trust Board.

Minutes are received by the Trust Board and can be viewed on-line through the Trust Board papers.

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