Freedom of Information Act:
About Us
How we fit into the NHS
How We Fit Into the NHS Structure
The aim of the Department of Health is to improve the health and well being of people in England.
By accessing the Department of Health's website at you can learn all about the Department and what it is seeking to achieve.
The NHS was set up 60 years ago and is now the largest organisation in Europe and has approximately 1.3 million staff working across the whole of the NHS.

NHS Trusts
Hospital Trusts are found in most large towns and cities, and usually offer a general range of services to meet most people's needs. Some Trusts also act as regional or national centres of expertise for more specialised care, while some are attached to universities and help to train health professionals.
Trusts can also provide services in the community – for example through health centres, clinics or in people's homes. Except in the case of emergencies, hospital treatment is arranged through your GP. This is called a referral.
Appointments and treatment are free. NHS Trusts employ the majority of the NHS workforce including nurses, doctors, dentists, pharmacists, midwives, health visitors and staff from the professions allied to medicine, such as physiotherapists, radiographers, podiatrists, speech and language therapists, counsellors, occupational therapists and psychologists.
Other staff employed include receptionists, porters, cleaners, IT specialists, managers, engineers, caterers, domestic and security staff.
The Royal United Hospital is an acute NHS Trust providing treatment and care for a catchment population of 500, 000 people in Bath and the surrounding towns and villages in North East Somerset and Western Wiltshire. Its services include medicine and surgery, services for women and children, accident and emergency services and diagnostic and clinical support services.