Improving our services
Improving Together
In 2022 we refreshed our vision after reflecting on what's important about what we do, and what kind of place we want the RUH to be. Our vision is: The RUH, where you matter. This vision will guide us as we set and deliver our ambitions and goals for our three people groups: the people we work with, the people we care for and the people in our community.

What is Improving Together?
Improving Together is a system of behaviours, quality improvement tools and sustainable routines allowing staff to improve the care we provide to our patients, the service we provide to our community and the working environment for our staff.
Why do we need Improving Together?
At its heart, Improving Together is about Quality Improvement, giving the people closest to the issues the time, permission, skills and resources they need to problem solve. It involves a systematic and coordinated approach to solving problems using specific methods and tools with the aim of bringing about a measurable improvement.
As well as improving the quality of care, outcomes and experience for our patients, their families and our community, quality improvement improves the working lives of our staff. After all our people are at the heart of everything we do.
What's the approach to rolling out Improving Together?
Everyone will be involved in Improving Together through the use of quality improvement tools and routines in the day to day working of a ward, department or service. There's specific training to anyone with line management responsibility and any member of staff can receive training to become a Quality Improvement Champion to support their team with improvements.
Watch the short video below from the Vascular Studies team to find out how improvement huddles have helped them.:
Libby Lockwood, Head of Vascular Studies, said: "We have implemented numerous tickets since this video was filmed. The huddles are truly invaluable and significantly increase capabilities and initiate positive change."
Find out more