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Dyson Centre for Neonatal Care (NICU)



The neonatal unit provides care for premature and sick term newborn babies.  Approximately 10% of all babies will need admission to a neonatal unit, commonly because of prematurity, infection, breathing difficulties or feeding problems.

The unit works as part of a wider network, with the main intensive care being delivered in Bristol if your baby is extremely preterm or needing surgery, along with some sick term babies requiring further intervention. Once these babies are stable they will complete their care in this local neonatal unit.

The unit has 21 cots, and we have facilities for parents including 4 double en suite bedrooms, a breast milk expressing room, a parents coffee room, quiet room, a play area for siblings and a garden.

Click here to read a summary about our Neonatal Unit and its services.

Parent and Carer Information

Neonatal Unit Parent Questionnaire

Please tell us about your recent experience of the Neonatal Unit. Your feedback is important to us and will help us to continue to improve family experience. You can complete the NICU parent questionnaire here:

Website for Patients

Contact the Ward

General Enquiries:

01225 824438
01225 824833

If you have a large family, please appoint a spokesperson to keep other members informed. For more specific and detailed information the nurses will deal with the enquiry in person.

If you would like to speak to any of our medical staff, please inform the nurse and we will arrange an appointment.

Please be advised:
In the interest of confidentiality we cannot divulge any patient information to anyone other than a parent. Please direct any patient related enquiries to a parent.


There is open visiting for parents, siblings, relatives and friends.  

All visitors must be accompanied by a parent and siblings must be supervised at all times.

You may have 3 visitors in total for each family at any one time. No school age children (apart from siblings) will be allowed to visit. The reason for this is to reduce the risk of infection and to ensure that you and other families have space and privacy on the unit. For reasons of confidentiality we ask visitors not to look at or go into other baby/family spaces.

This policy may need to change at our discretion.

Mobile phones

Please leave your mobile in silent/vibrate mode when visiting, this is to ensure noise is kept to a minimum in the unit where possible.

Calls may be made from the reception area, or outside of the unit.

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