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Requesting & Reporting

Consent for Venepuncture, Testing & Disclosure of Clinical Information & Family History

Informed consent for the venepuncture procedure and the testing of samples taken is required. For patients attending our Phlebotomy Clinics consent is assumed by them presenting themselves to Phlebotomy with a request form and then presenting their arm for venepuncture.

For patients that are in a hospital bed consent for the procedure is verbally checked by the phlebotomist before they are bled. They have an opportunity to refuse the procedure. For those who are unable to consent, i.e. are unconscious the decision to bleed and complete the relevant testing is taken by the clinical team in the best interests of the patient.

The consent for testing, as indicated on the request form, is assumed to have been gained by the clinician or healthcare professional requesting the test and is inferred to the laboratory through the receipt of the request form with the relevant sample(s). Similarly, for samples that are received from GPs or other laboratories referring work to RUH Pathology the consent for testing is gained by the clinician or healthcare professional requesting the test and is inferred to the laboratory through the receipt of the request form with the relevant sample(s).

For work referred to us, consent to disclose clinical information and family history to relevant healthcare professionals within RUH Pathology is inferred by the receipt of the request form with the relevant sample(s). Similarly, work that we refer to other laboratories for specialist testing the consent to disclose is assumed and then inferred to those laboratories by the receipt of a request form with the relevant sample(s). Guidance on the location of testing is available here.

The consent for other collection procedures, e.g. bone marrow is gained by the clinical team completing the procedure and the record kept as part of the patient's notes. This is covered by the Trust Policy on Consent to Examination and Treatment.

Further information

If you would like any further information on consent for venepuncture or testing please contact us in the lab.

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