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Cancer Services

RUH Cancer Services


What to expect when attending appointments

A consultation room with comfortable furniture, floral murals on the wall and a courtyard in the background with an art installation

This information will help to prepare you for visiting the Dyson Cancer Centre, how long you may have to wait and what tests may be required.

Your outpatient appointment

Your appointment letter will tell where to go when you arrive. If not, please call the Appointments Centre on telephone 01225 821821 to find out where you should go.

Please arrive in plenty of time so you do not miss your appointment, but if you are parking on or around the hospital site please allow an extra 30 minutes as parking is limited.

Attending the Dyson Cancer Centre for the first time

For your first appointment please check into the front desk in the main atrium of the Dyson Cancer Centre.

Attending further appointments

When you arrive, please report to the Outpatients reception desk. After checking in you can take a seat in the waiting area.

How long will I have to wait?

We try to make sure that patients are seen at the time of their appointment, or at least within 30 minutes of that time. Sometimes emergencies can mean that patients are seen out of turn and delays occur. If this happens, our staff will keep you informed.

Remembering important information

Your visit to the clinic is a good time to discuss things with your doctor. It can be hard to remember all the questions you want to ask and all the information the doctor gives you, but there are some things you can do to make it easier.

  • Write down and prioritise the questions you want to ask and make a note of the answers
  • Consider bringing a relative or friend to help you remember the conversation later
  • If you haven't understood what has been said, please don't hesitate to ask your doctor or nurse again
  • You can also request copies of letters written about you

Your medical consultation

Before you see the doctor, a nurse may weigh you. Please tell the nurse if you think your weight has changed during recent months. The nurse may also ask you to change into a clean examination gown.

The doctor that you see during your medical consultation will be in charge of your case. You will see him or her, or a member of his or her team, at each appointment.

If you require a further appointment the doctor or nurse will inform you and direct you to the Outpatient reception to make the appointment.


You may need to have some tests. Certain tests can be carried out on the same day but for other tests, for example a scan or an additional appointment may be required. You will be guided by the nurses in the clinic.

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