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News & Media

Media Release

Date: 24 September 2021

Watch our second online RUH annual general meeting

If you missed it but would like to catch up on a year in the life of the RUH, you can watch the second online Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust AGM at

The event is hosted by Trust Chair Alison Ryan, and includes a year in review presentation from Chief Executive Cara Charles-Barks, who reflects on her first year in post during the unprecedented challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cara also looks to the future, which she describes as "the most exciting times for the NHS, the most exciting period in the RUH's history. The pandemic has opened up opportunities and innovation for us to do things differently. We've had an amazing 70 years – now it's up to us to create a legacy for the next 70."

There are presentations by staff on caring for COVID-positive patients at their end of life, and on the importance of creating a culture of diversity and inclusion, mental health and wellbeing, and kindness throughout the Trust.

You can also hear details of the Trust's plans for the future of cancer services, as work gets underway on the new Dyson Cancer Centre at the RUH.

The AGM also includes reports on the Trust's operational and financial performance, the annual report of the Council of Governors and an update about the Trust's progress on its priorities for 2020/21.

Trust Chair Alison Ryan said: "This meeting is the perfect opportunity for people to find out more about how the RUH has fared during what has been another very challenging 12 months.

"Thank you to those who asked questions about the RUH during the meeting. It's not too late - if there's anything you'd like to ask, please contact our Membership Office at or on 01225 826288 or 821262."


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