Patients & Visitors


Clinics (map)

Bone mineral densitometry / DEXA scans (map)


About us

Almost one in two women and one in five men over the age of 50 will break a bone, mainly due to osteoporosis. It can also affect children, although this is rare.

We are a leading centre for the treatment, diagnosis and management of osteoporosis and those at increased risk of fracture. We have a wide range of specialist staff providing high-quality treatment based on best practice and research.

Our multidisciplinary team is led by Dr Tehseen Ahmed and Dr Sarah Hardcastle, both Consultant Rheumatologists specialising in osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease, and includes specialist registrars, an osteoporosis nurse specialist, clinical scientists, radiographers/technicians, and a Fracture Liaison Service administrator.

Many patients will have a bone mineral density (DEXA) measurement as part of their assessment, and this service is provided in the Clinical Imaging and Measurement Department (C16).

Other specialist support is provided by physiotherapy, occupational therapy, podiatry, dietetic, orthotic and laboratory services. The team has established expertise in osteoporosis and assesses over 300 patients per month.

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