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Medical Physics and Bioengineering



We offer opportunities for graduates and school-leavers to train as clinical scientists or technologists in an accredited hospital department.

Clinical scientist trainees (Part 1) are appointed onto a fixed term contract for two years. A formal training programme leads, via an examination and assessment of the in-service training, to a professional qualification, (DipIPEM). As part of the training programme, trainees undertake a taught MSc. Currently trainees attend Surrey University for two terms during the first year and undertake a project, normally within the hospital, towards the end of the second year.

In addition trainees undertake three hospital bases placements, compiling a portfolio of evidence of competency in each area. The areas in which training is routinely undertaken include Diagnostic Radiology, Radiotherapy, Ultrasound, Nuclear Medicine, Electronic design and physiological measurements. Some of the placements may involve periods spend at other hospitals. Clinical Scientist training continues after the completion of the Part 1 scheme, and Part 2 clinical scientists continue to work towards registration and a further professional qualification, MIPEM.

The Clinical Scientist Training scheme is managed nationally by the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM). Advertisements appear in New Scientist and on the NHS careers web-site in the early part of each year with posts commencing at end of September. Candidates indicate their choice of centres and competitive interviews are held locally in April or May.

Arrangements for Clinical Technologist training are under review nationally.

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