Media Release
Date: 18 February 2022
New children's art exhibition at the RUH aims to inspire climate action
Children and young people have filled the corridors at the Royal United Hospitals (RUH) Bath NHS Foundation Trust with a new thought-provoking art exhibition on climate change.
Last year, the RUH’s Sustainability team, in partnership with hospital art charity Art at the Heart of the RUH and the Schools Climate Network, invited local children to submit art work on the theme ‘a healthy planet’.
More than 80 pieces of colourful art are now on display as a reminder for staff and patients of the importance of taking care of the planet.
Tony Smith, Exhibition Manager at Art at the Heart of the RUH, said: “We can all play a part in helping to reduce our impact on the planet and I believe that the arts play a vital role in this. Not just in raising awareness of the issue, but in helping people develop a meaningful connection to climate change and the world around them.”
Ruth McNab, Sustainability Manager at the RUH, said: “I’d like to thank all of the children and young people who submitted their art for this exhibition. We had a huge number of submissions which just goes to show how important climate change is to the younger generation.
“We hope the exhibition will inspire staff, patients and visitors to take action against climate change to protect our planet and future generations.
“Sustainability is a key priority for the RUH and this exhibition is one of a number of projects we have introduced to help ensure we are a Trust fit for the future.”

Other initiatives include encouraging sustainable travel to the RUH site and introducing electric fleet vehicles, reducing use and wastage of anaesthetic gases, which are responsible for over 2% of all NHS emissions, and using more environmentally friendly building materials in the construction of the new Dyson Cancer Centre.
The artwork will be displayed in the hospital until 6 May 2022. The exhibited art will be available to purchase by donation to Art at the Heart from 11 March. Donations will be used to buy art materials for the Children’s Ward.
Visiting is currently limited at the RUH to stop the spread of COVID-19 so an online gallery has been set up to allow everyone to view the exhibition: