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Pathology Departments Requesting & Reporting Blood Test Information Phlebotomy Guide Contact us
Blood Sciences

Blood Test Information

(a.k.a Xa, Anti-XA, Heparin)
minimum sample volume required ~ 2.7ml

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Special instructions
For assessment of peak anti-Xa activity, citrate sample to be taken 1-3 hours after ingestion.

If apixaban accumulation is suspected, a trough sample at 12 hours may be useful.

Please note: Sample must be received in laboratory and tested within 8 hours of collection.

Warning: Blood samples taken through in situ lines cannot be accepted as they will be contaminated with unfractionated heparin causing interference of the assay.

Recommend advice from clinical haematologist before requesting assay. Please inform the haematology laboratory prior to sending sample.

For interpretation of result, please discuss with haematology clinical staff.

Urgent samples will be analysed within one hour from receipt of sample, laboratory must be informed prior to receiving sample.

Contact Laboratory before requesting

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Turnaround Time
24 hours

Department: Haematology

Clinical Application
Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) do not usually require routine monitoring due to their predictable pharmacology.

Knowledge of drug level during bleeding, thromboembolic event, invasive procedures, extremes of body weight, suspected non-compliance or overdose may be useful in clinical management.

Routine coagulation tests must not be used to predict or monitor DOAC effect.


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