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Blood Sciences

Blood Test Information

(a.k.a Anti neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody)
minimum sample volume required ~ 5ml

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Special instructions
Time limit for add on = 2days. Interfering substances = Heat inactivated, haemolysed, microbially contaminated or incompletely defibrinated samples may cause high background staining and make interpretation difficult.

Urgent requests for ANCA MUST be phoned direct to the immunology department (extension 4737)

Reference range

Linked to

Turnaround Time
7 days

Department: Immunology

Clinical Application
Following a positive ANCA screen, samples will be sent for MPO and PR3.

Can be used in conjunction with other laboratory tests and clinical findings to aid in the assessment of systemic small vessel vasculitides. Two main recognised ANCA patterns, pANCA and cANCA, are detectable using the standard ANCA Immunofluorescence procedure on ethanol-fixed neutrophils.


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