minimum sample volume required ~ 5ml
Test Code: CAE
Tube type: SST
Other acceptable tube types
Lithium heparin (green top)
Special instructions
Reference ranges
0.20 - 0.32: Wilson's disease is highly unlikely
0.10 - 0.19: Wilson's disease is not excluded
<0.10: Highly suggestive of Wilson's disease
Sent away
to Southmead Hospital
Linked to
Turnaround Time
Department: Biochemistry
Clinical Application
Caeruloplasmin is a serum copper transport protein, produced by the liver. The concentration of caeruloplasmin is a primary determinant of copper concentration. Caeruloplasmin is an acute phase reactant, meaning it may be elevated in response to infection, malignancy and/or trauma. Levels may be reduced in nephrotic syndrome, severe liver disease, malnutrition and malabsorption.
Measurement of caeruloplasmin is useful in the investigation of suspected Wilson's disease, e.g. where ALT is persistently elevated. This can be requested as part of a non-invasive liver screen where there is family history and/or signs of Wilson’s disease in those <45 years of age. It should NOT be requested as part of a NILS in older patients. Use in conjunction with serum copper measurement. Urine copper excretion may also need to be measured if serum copper/caeruloplasmin is abnormal or equivocal.
Webpage updated: November 2024.