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Blood Sciences

Blood Test Information

Metadrenaline (urine)
(a.k.a Metanephrine)
24 Hour Urine (acid Preservative)(Phone (82)4712 to order)

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Test Code: MAD

Tube type: Acid 24hr Urine

Special instructions
Sample must be collected into a bottle already containing acid.

Adult reference ranges:
Metadrenaline <2.21
Normetadrenaline <3.81
3-Methoxytyramine <2.81
Metadrenaline <1.81
Normetadrenaline <3.01
3-Methoxytyramine <2.81

Sent away to Freeman Hospital, Newcastle

Reference range
Paediatric ranges available on request.

µmol/24 h

Turnaround Time
21 days

Department: Biochemistry

Clinical Application
Urine metanephrines may be performed for the investigation of suspected phaeochromocytoma, or paraganglioma (PPGL). A phaeochromocytoma is a rare neuroendocrine tumour which secretes excessive catecholamines. PPGLs may also secrete excess catecholamines when they arise in the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia of the abdomen, thorax and pelvis.

Substances which can interfere with analysis: Tricyclic antidepressants, α- and β-adrenergic receptor blockers, Calcium channel blockers, Stimulants (e.g. caffeine, nicotine), Levo(L)-dopa, Paracetamol, amongst others.

Patients should avoid caffeine for 24 hrs before, and during, collection. In addition the following drugs should be avoided for one week prior to the collection if clinically feasible: Phenothiazines, Tricyclic antidepressants including imipramine, labetalol, sotalol and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) and Chlorpromazine, and paracetamol.

Webpage updated: September 2024.

» Patient Instructions for METS Acidified 24 Hour Urine Collection


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