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Patients & Visitors


Our Team

Our Director of Midwifery and Neonatal Services provides overall leadership to our team, and is ultimately responsible for representing Maternity Services across Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust and the region.

The Maternity Matrons are available to support our midwifery and obstetric team and uphold the high standards of care given.

Midwives working between Bath Birth Centre, Mary Ward and Day Assessment Unit are skilled in the care of women and people with any concerns or complications in their pregnancy, those in labour and care after birth and of the newborn.

Community midwives work across various units and a large geographical area, looking after parents and their families from conception to birth and during the postnatal period. They conduct appointments and attend births in the Maternity Units, Birth Centres and at home.

The Maternity Support Workers are skilled members of the maternity team, there to support you and the midwives in all aspects of care.

Some of our midwives have specialised in different aspects of midwifery, for example Infant Feeding Midwives, Diabetes Midwife, Safeguarding Midwife, Perinatal Mental Health Midwife and many more. These midwives are there to support parents with more specific needs.

The inclusion midwife will get in touch with women and birthing people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds to address health inequalities.

Our obstetric team are dedicated to providing excellent care to women who have pre-existing conditions that may complicate pregnancy and to women who develop any complications during pregnancy, birth or the postnatal period. The obstetric team have skills in many different specialisms allowing for individualised care plans.

Our anaesthetic team are dedicated to providing the best care for women and birthing people requiring additional analgesia or surgical procedures.

The Paediatric team are there to help any babies that require a higher level of care. They work on the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) but come to Bath Birth Centre when needed.

We have a skilled theatre team that assist the doctors during elective and emergency procedures.

We have a wonderful team of cleaners, porters and domestic staff. They keep our services running smoothly, transport patients and medical equipment and manage mealtimes. We also have friendly receptionists who co-ordinate appointments, transfers and admissions, and are the welcoming faces and voices of our team.

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