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Freedom of Information Act:

Equality & Diversity

We are committed to equal opportunities, equality and diversity. We do not discriminate against staff or patients regardless of domestic circumstances, social and employment status or responsibilities as well as those protected under the Equality Act; age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race including nationality and ethnicity, religion or belief, (includes no belief), sex, sexual orientation and marriage and civil partnership.

We believe that the Trust should be a place where all staff, whatever their differences feel valued and have a fair and equitable quality of working life where we accept the difference between individuals and value the benefits that diversity brings.

This is a vision that we continue to make good progress towards, partially through the diversity initiatives: diversity training for managers, supervisors, and staff, diversity poster campaign, flexible working training for managers and induction training.

Further information can be found here:

Should you require a copy of our Publication Scheme in a different format such as Braille, audio cassette, large print or another language, please contact the Publication Scheme Co-ordinator at the address given below:

Informatics Governance Manager
Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
Combe Park


Telephone: (01225) 824803

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