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About Us

Our Commitments

Safeguarding Children & Young People

Trade Union Facility Time

Safeguarding Children and Young People

The Board of Directors the Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust is assured that requirements for safeguarding children and young people are in place in line with the recommendations of the Care Quality Commission.

The full RUH Declaration is available on the PDF Document link below

Safeguarding Children and Young People

From April 2010 it is a legal requirement for all healthcare providers to be registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and comply with the essential standards of quality and safety and their associated outcomes.

The Safeguarding Children Annual Report for 2014/15 was presented at the Board of Directors In June 2015. This details key actions that are taken to meet the requirements of safeguarding children.

Safeguarding Children Annual Report 2014 / 15

Safeguarding Children Governance Structure


At the RUH we are committed to ensuring that no modern slavery or human trafficking takes place in any part of our business or our supply chain. We are fully aware of the responsibilities we hold towards our service users, employees and local communities. We are guided by a strict set of ethical values in all of our business dealings and expect our suppliers (i.e. all companies that we do business with) to adhere to these same principles. We have zero tolerance for slavery and human trafficking.


The Trust has a number of policies relevant to exploitation and human trafficking and exploitation and has joint guidance for services run in partnership with other providers, such as Banes, Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW) Integrated Care Board. Our Adult Safeguarding Policy and Safeguarding Children and Young People policy have sections and guidance on trafficking and our HR processes mandate recruitment checks to ensure pre-employment suitability and Disclosure and Barring compliance where appropriate.

The majority of our healthcare provision is through direct contact with clinical staff. Our HR processes and professional registration requirements provide the checks to ensure that our workforce is compliant. Areas of greater risk would include supply chains of certain products and equipment. When procuring suppliers the Trust procurement process requires evidence of measures taken in line with the prohibition of human trafficking and exploitation.


All clinical staff receive safeguarding training appropriate to their role, which includes training about human trafficking and exploitation in line with the Adult and Childrens Safeguarding competency requirements as outlined by the respective Intercollegiate Documents. Our safeguarding teams act as a resource to the workforce on any human trafficking and exploitation concerns. The effectiveness of approach The Trust monitors each clinical area against the requirement to train staff in all aspects of safeguarding training appropriate to the clinical environment, and compliance is monitored through Divisional Boards.

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