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Theatre Instrument Sets

Theatre Instrument sets comprise the major element of the service.  Sets vary considerably in content and complexity ranging from single instruments to comprehensive sets which may include instruments, polyware and paper drapes.
The instruments are purchased by the customers department and the composition of the set is made up in consultation with surgeons, theatre staff and the SSD.

Once the composition has been agreed and the instruments supplied the set is packed according to an agreed specification and sterilised ready for use. 

The content and layout of the set is checked against a created set list by a member of the SSD staff and a second check carried out by another staff member prior to packing. The completed pack is then labelled and sent for sterilisation.  Following sterilisation and cooling which is closely monitored, sets are returned to the customer.

Used sets and packs returned from customer departments are regarded as contaminated.  They are disinfected using dedicated washer disinfectors. Once disinfected and in the packing room any instruments that require repair or replacement, are removed and the equipment is re-assembled with the addition of any consumable disposable items.

The set is then completed in accordance with the work instructions and Set list:

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